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near thing [escape, touch] 九死一生,僅以身免。

near wheel

Princess grace of monaco was perhaps the nearest thing , but then she had really been a movie star , which surely provided the vital luster to her role as figurehead of a country that is little more than a gambling casino on the southern coast of france 摩納哥王妃大概是有魅力的一位,不過她已經是一位貨真價實的電影明星了,這樣的身分讓她成為這個國家名義上的領袖,然而這樣的魅力只略勝于在法國南部沿岸的賭場。

Amid the unknowns , the nearest thing to a certainty was that the war would end as messily as it began , with no clear win for either side 在這些未知數中,最確定的一件事情就是同其開端一樣,這場戰爭將結束于一團混亂之中,沒有一方能明顯獲勝。

Ireland has produced the nearest thing to an economic miracle outside asia ; smaller east european economies are seeking to emulate it 愛爾蘭則創造了亞洲之外的經濟增長奇跡,引來許多東歐的小經濟體競相效仿。

A near thing 極危險的事

You are the nearest thing to heaven that i ' ve seen 你是我所見到的最完美的天使。

It was a near thing between success and failure . 這是一場以毫厘之差而決定成敗的戰斗。